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Our latest white paper is now available

Get our latest white paper: How AI and machine learning is improving live chat for customers and businesses.

Find out how the latest in AI/machine learning can help optimise ‘live chat’ channels to improve the speed of resolution, provide more relevant responses and streamline the chat optimisation process.

Many companies are implementing live chat because it offers a better experience for some queries and some customers as well as cost savings for companies compared to voice. Indeed the channel has been growing 87% pa according to CustomerThink.

BoldChat found that top reasons given for why live chat is preferred are immediacy of responses (71%), ability to multi-task (51%) and customers don’t like talking on the phone (22%).

However canned responses, complex queries or poor staffing can lead to the opposite experience, with channel switching, repeat calls and abandonment or even churn. Misunderstandings can happen more frequently than a telephone conversation, and with both customers and agents multitasking, there is plenty of room for error. Offshore chat operations are often compounded with cultural issues and misunderstandings too.

Many businesses who deploy live chat do so with conflicting reasons i.e. is it to serve customers’ channel preferences or save money. It is frequently treated as an ‘alternative’ to voice.



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