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Warwick in the Press: Connections Magazine

Our CEO Dan Somers discusses ‘THREE WAYS AI AND MACHINE LEARNING IS IMPROVING LIVE CHAT‘ in the latest issue of Connections Magazine, the...

In the Press: Data Driven Investor

Augmented Intelligence is more intelligent than Artificial Intelligence. Most experts define artificial intelligence as technology with...

In the Press: CRMXchange

An article titled ‘How Contact Centers can use the latest AI to improve customer outcomes and reduce call volume’ by Warwick Analytics...

In the Press: Finance Digest

Warwick Analytics has been featured on Finance Digest, the publication providing in-depth coverage and analysis of the global financial...

In the Press: Connections Magazine

Warwick Analytics has been featured on Connections Magazine, the magazine for the call center industry . The article THREE PIECES OF KEY...

In the Press: Compare the Cloud

CEO of Warwick Analytics Dan Somers is featured on Compare the Cloud talking about how using concepts instead of keywords with the latest...

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